The film, set in Mumbai, revolves around a mistaken delivery by the Dabbawalas (lunchbox service) of Mumbai, which leads to a relationship between Saajan, a lonely widower close to retirement, and Ila, an unhappy housewife, as they start exchanging notes through the daily lunchbox.RELEASE NOTES:
[TITLE]:........................[ The Lunchbox (2013) "Dabba" (original title)
[DIRECTOR]:.....................[ Ritesh Batra
[RELEASE DATE]:.................[ 20 September 2013 (India)
[GENRE]:........................[ Drama | Romance
[HDTV SUPPORT]:.................[ Yes
[NO OF FILES]:..................[ 1
[VIDEO]:........................[ MKV - x264
[AUDIO]:........................[ AAC - 6CH
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 1.07 GiB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x544
[FRAME RATE]:...................[ 23.976 fps
[LANGUAGE]:.....................[ HIndi
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[RUNTIME]:......................[ 1h 40mn
[ENCODER]:......................[ [-L2F- Exclusive]